If you’re just looking for a practice config, download our config from below:

Download Practice Config

Right click on CS:GO in your Steam library, select “Manage” -> “Browse Local Files”. Then go to the “csgo” folder and then the “cfg” folder and place the config file there.

Use “Play offline with bots” in CS:GO and enable the config by typing “exec practice” in your console.

Why do I need a CSGO practice config?

In order to get better, you have to understand what your weaknesses are and how to improve them. The same principle applies to CSGO, a game that’s competitive level keeps getting higher and higher. If you’re here, you should already know what you need to work on. If not, sign up for Leetify for free to analyze your weaknesses and learn how to improve.

A great way to up your game is to go solo and hop into a practice server. You can use a CSGO practice server to practice smoke grenades, flashes, nades, molotovs or to look for new sneaky positions, angles, search for new boosts, spray patterns, executes, and more.

However, setting one up can be a bit difficult the first time around so below you’ll find everything you’ll need to get setup and practicing on your own server.

Note; if you’re unfamiliar with what your config or autoexec files are. Learn more about them in how to create and use an autoexec config file in CSGO updated for 2020

Alternative 1: Download config and host a server yourself

Ready to go CSGO config

If you’re already familiar with this entire process, go ahead and download our official practice config and get started.

Using a CSGO config on your computer

  1. Download the config files provided or create/copy a text document with a .cfg extension and paste your commands in. Name it something along the lines of “practice.cfg”.
  2. The .cfg extension is important.
  3. Right click on CS:GO in your Steam library, select “Manage” -> “Browse Local Files”.
  4. Go to the “csgo” folder and then the “cfg” folder
  5. Move the config file into this folder.
  6. Start CS:GO and select “Play offline with bots” to start a local server.
  7. Open up your console and type “exec practice” (or whatever you named the config file)

You’re all set!

Installing the config on a dedicated CSGO practice server

If you run a dedicated CSGO server and want to install the config there, here’s how:

  1. Connect to your server via FTP, SSH, or whatever your preference
  2. Find the “cfg” folder.
  3. Upload your config file to this folder.

Recommendation; As a Pro Leetify subscriber, you get free access to servers from DatHost. You can read more about that below. If you’re not a Pro Leetify subscriber, DatHost’s prices are quite affordable.

CSGO binds and commands

In the next section, we’ll list out the practice and server commands we’ll be using however for an all encompassing list of commands that is easy to search check out tobyscs’ list. Additionally, for a list of useful binds that you can use to add certain commands to check out our best csgo binds to use article.

User binds for practice

Also included in the config below are the following binds, which are useful when testing stuff on a practice server:

  • Noclip
  • Sv_rethrow_last_grenade
  • Cl_grenadepreview
  • Cl_sim_grenade_trajectory
  • Host_timescale
  • God

Full practice config

You can download our suggested practice config here and get it on your desired server following the steps above. It comes with an easy to use alias system for quickly enabling and disabling different parts of the config - see the setup.cfg file for info on how to use that feature.

Copy and paste the below configuration into your named.cfg file

// Configuration
// To disable whole parts of the practice config, please see the Setup.cfg file!
// Or, if you know what you're doing, modify specific numbers in the different sections below!

// Setting up the server
sv_cheats 1
mp_limitteams 0
mp_autoteambalance 0
mp_roundtime_defuse 60
mp_freezetime 2
mp_buy_anywhere 1
mp_buytime 3600
mp_maxmoney 31337
mp_startmoney 31337
sv_infinite_ammo 1
ammo_grenade_limit_total 6 // To allow a user to have all nades at the same time
mp_restartgame 1

// Bots
bot_kick all
bot_stop 1 // Means bots wont move around if you add any with bot_add - you can force them to move with bot_place

// Grenade trajectories
alias showtrajectories showtrajectoriesON
alias showtrajectoriesON "sv_grenade_trajectory 1; sv_grenade_trajectory_dash 1; sv_grenade_trajectory_time 15; sv_grenade_trajectory_thickness 0.1;alias showtrajectories showtrajectoriesOFF;echo showtrajectories ON"
alias showtrajectoriesOFF "sv_grenade_trajectory 1;alias showtrajectories showtrajectoriesON;echo showtrajectories OFF"
alias st showtrajectories // Lets you just type "st" in console to perform the above commands

// Bullet impacts
alias showimpacts showimpactsON
alias showimpactsON "sv_showimpacts 2;sv_showimpacts_penetration 0; sv_showimpacts_time 7; alias showimpacts showimpactsOFF; echo showimpactsON"
alias showimpactsOFF "sv_showimpacts 0; sv_showimpacts_penetration 0; sv_showimpacts_time 7; alias showimpacts showimpactsON;echo showimpactsOFF"
alias si showimpacts // Lets you just type "si" in console to perform above commands
alias pen penON
alias penON "sv_showimpacts_penetration 2;alias pen penOFF;echo penON"
alias penOFF "sv_showimpacts_penetration 0;alias pen penON;echo penOFF"
alias penDetails pdON
alias pdON "sv_showimpacts_penetration 1;alias penDetails pdOFF;echo penDetailsON"
alias pdOFF "show_showimpacts_penetration 0;alias penDetails pdON;echo penDetailsOFF"

// memes
alias thisFeatureIsDisabled thisFeatureIsDisabledON
alias thisFeatureIsDisabledON "echo That's just rude!;alias thisFeatureIsDisabled thisFeatureIsDisabledOFF"
alias thisFeatureIsDisabledOFF "echo That's better, have a cookie: [DeliciousCookie.jpg];alias thisFeatureIsDisabled thisFeatureIsDisabledON"

echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo "########## LEETIFY.COM PRACTICE CONFIG LOADED. ##########"
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo "########## We identify your weaknesses, help you improve on them with personalized training recommendations, and keep track of your progression. Sign up for free at Leetify.com ##########"
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""

// Loading your settings
exec Setup

Alternative 2: 1-click, fully configured 64/128 Tick Practice Servers

If you don’t want to download config files and set up servers yourself, and want your friends to be able to practice with you, we offer 1-click, fully configured practice servers.

Leetify is a software platform that analyses the CSGO matches you play.

We identify your weaknesses, help you improve on them with personalised training recommendations, and keep track of your progression, all for free.

On top of this, we also have a premium subscription (called “Leetify Pro”) that among other things offer in-game practice. This includes practice servers that you can launch at any time, with one click, and that are fully configured for practice, can be used on both 64 and 128 tick, and can be joined by your friends so you can practice together. We also offer practice servers for aim & movement training.

Sign up for Leetify

If we missed any useful commands or you would like to see something else, let us know!